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Metallurgy by Lewis Kemmenoe

Photos by Max Radford Gallery

In his debut solo showcase, METALLURGY, London-based visionary Lewis Kemmenoe draws inspiration from familiar household contours, using them as a canvas for his inventive explorations. The exhibition unveils a glimpse into the intricate equilibrium between structure, utility, and material.

Labeling Kemmenoe's oeuvre merely as design falls short, a poetic metamorphosis unfolds, elevating an object beyond its utilitarian core to something profoundly intimate. This alchemical transformation permeates his work, marking Kemmenoe's trajectory with a distinctive blend of the organic and the industrial. While featuring commonplace elements like lights, furniture, and domestic items, Kemmenoe's treatment of these recognizable forms transcends the ordinary. Within the confines of the familiar, he urges viewers to transcend mere functionality and delve into the realm of materiality.

The amalgamation of organic shapes with industrial aesthetics weaves a cohesive visual narrative. METALLURGY signifies a shift, unlike his prior works that leaned towards improvisation with similar materials for an organic feel. The exhibition applauds the seamless integration of diverse textures and materials. An instance is the fluidity of aluminum mirroring the undulating patterns of wood grain in a bench. In another creation, light-hued wooden fragments seemingly levitate within metal frameworks, accentuating the fusion of disparate elements. At the core of Kemmenoe's artistic expression lies the concept of 'skin'—an exploration of the tactile encounter and the visual allure found in his creations' intricate, detailed, and, at times, raw surfaces.

Kemmenoe's academic journey, spanning prestigious institutions such as Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art, undeniably refines his design acumen. Yet, his fascination with utilitarian objects across architecture, fashion, and design propels him into a distinctive realm. Though practical, his creations consistently challenge conventional design boundaries.

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