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"Spineless" Chair by Atelier Zébulon Perron

Images: Alex Lesage

Founded in 2008, the chair "Spineless Chair," designed by the Canadian interior architecture and furniture studio Atelier Zébulon Perron, is deprived of its spine, cut in half, and divided into two hemispheres. Only the most fundamental connection points remain, giving the chair strength and fragility; the chair embodies this relationship and its inherent tension.

Interior designer Perron, better known for his bustling restaurants in the city center, found inspiration for the 'Spineless' chair in more idyllic settings. A pilgrimage to Veneto to witness the architectural legacy of Carlo Scarpa introduced the Montrealer to the possibilities of Italian craft. His walnut wood, steel, and brass chair, which splits in half as if unzipped, is inspired by Scarpa's intricate joinery.

Over the past 20 years, architectural designer Zébulon Perron has created hundreds of interior design projects, including furniture, art objects, and graphics. He is the president and artistic director of Atelier Zébulon Perron, which he founded in 2008. Atelier Zébulon Perron is a design firm specializing in commercial development. The firm is renowned for its expertise in the hospitality sector, with bar and restaurant designs woven into the fabric of Montreal's vibrant scene.

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